Please review each of the cases prior to conference and come up with a dignosis.
To review a case click on the image and scroll up and down with the left mouse button.
Alternatvely you can scroll using the "<" and ">" keys.
It might help to prepare a mock dictation so you can see if you made all the findings.
After reviewing each case answer the multiple choice questions provided.
We will review the answers in conference using the Audience Response System and these will form the basis of our discussion.
It will go faster if you wirte down your answers beforehand so we dont waste time whilt you think of your answer in conference.
(1 min per question x 20 questions wastes 1/3rd of the conference time)
July 29, 2011
August 1, 2011
Myocardial Delayed Enhancement Lecture
July 5, 2012 Aorta Lecture Reading Materials
August 2 2012 ED Lecture Series: Bowel Cases and Reading Material
August 8 ED Lecture Series: Trauma